Investigating the Paranormal...

"As a non-profit organization, we have been leading ghost tours and paranormal events for over 5 years with a team of experienced mediums and healers, prioritising the safety of our clients. Fully insured and well-versed in handling any situation, our events are designed for public enjoyment, ensuring you have the best possible experience with us. We have a range of venues that we visit, from the lesser haunted to the outright VERY active... We visit, probably the widest range of venues. Come and join us."

Our Next Event...

"Join us at this Georgian theatre… meet the children from the previous beneficial school that resided at the theatre affectionately known as The Old Benny… always a great night filled with evidence… perhapos you may even meet the Headmaster! £30pp deposit £15pp payable via PayPal please include names and the event you are booking for in the transaction…"

  • Mr CC

    "Great team of individuals, with their own abilities in each area of the paranormal realm, making any investigation interesting fun and very active. This paranormal group is a must to go with guys I've been on a few with other groups, I will say no more. Keep the good work up guys!!!!"

  • Mr DB

    "Amazing group to do your paranormal research and the best thing about this company is that they don’t force paranormal on to you. They leave it to you to find out and make your own decisions."

  • Mrs AL

    "Highly recommend, was an absolutely amazing experience for all! A few of the group had been on previous Ghost walks with her and the team before hand, but the few newbies felt so at ease with Paula and any nerves they had were soon gone. Throughly good and interesting night had by all! xx"

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